SQLyog MySQL GUI 13.1.0 Released

  • Peter Laursen
  • August 16, 2018

This new release of SQLyog is a maintenance release fixing bugs, improving JSON functionality and providing a few more options for users.

Changes as compared to SQLyog MySQL GUI 13.0.1 include:


  • Included an option ‘Format JSON data in JSON viewer’ in ‘Tools ->Preferences -> General’ to view the formatted JSON data when opened in the JSON-viewer/BLOB-viewer. Note, this option will be disabled/unchecked by default – i.e. JSON data will still be displayed as stored by default.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash occuring when a result set returned a huge number of columns (>3400).
  • Fixed a crash occurring if the file path contained specific characters on importing the files using ‘Execute SQL Script’. This bug was introduced in v13.0 where we upgraded our Visual Studio build environment.
  • Added more Row_format options in the Create/Alter table GUI. Recent options like ‘Compact’ and ‘Redundant’ were missing in the drop-down list.
  • Added an option to view and copy the query generated by SQLyog when applying a filter in the ‘Result’/’Table Data’ tab.
  • The Preferences settings ‘Generate queries using backquote’, lettercase of keywords and functions and ‘SQL Formatter’ -settings are now honoured for SQLyog-generated queries.
  • JSON data did not open in JSON viewer/BLOB-viewer if connection to server was a HTTP-tunneled connection.
  • Some options in ‘Powertools’ menu were erroneously greyed out when using ‘Tile Windows’ and ’Cascade Windows’ interface setting.
  • In the ‘Scheduled jobs’ dialog on Windows 10, the timestamp for last execution time for scheduled jobs was not updated.
  • When uninstalling SQLyog 64 bit edition, relevant entries in Registry could fail to delete and ‘add/remove programs’ in Control Panel would then show that the program was still installed.
  • Fixed that tables unnecessarily were displaying overlapped in Schema Designer.


  • Upgraded the PLINK executable bundled with SQLyog to support new key encryption algorithms added in PuTTY/PLINK v. 0.7.
  • ‘Duplicate Table’ dialog will now have the ‘With indexes’ -option checked/enabled by default.

Downloads:  https://webyog.com/product/sqlyog
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